Worship Services
Each week we gather to do what churches have done for over 2000 years. We read the Bible, sing songs based on the Bible, we preach sermons from the Bible, and we regularly observe the ordinances found in the Bible. We believe this gathering that happens at 10:15 every Sunday is supremely important.

We love to study the Bible here at SCC. Equipping Hour allows us to explore texts and topics at a deeper level and in an interactive format. We begin at 9:00 am every Sunday.

Home Groups
There are many “one another” passages in the Bible. Phrases like “love one another”, “encourage one another”, and “bear one another’s burdens”, serve to form our understanding for how to live in Christian community . Our small groups provide a format for this “one anothering” to happen. We meet together to enjoy fellowship, to discuss the morning’s sermon and to pray for one another. A list of our current home groups are included in your visitor packet.

Sunrise offers biblical counseling for our members and for our community. God’s word holds the answers for even the most difficult struggles we face in life. We desire to help people grow and change in a way that honors Jesus.

We have various studies that go throughout the year for men. These studies differ in topic and extent. In addition to this, we have an annual retreat and other activities for the men. Whatever particular event or study, we always want our times to be Word driven and applicable to life.

We have various studies that go throughout the year for women. These studies differ in topic and extent. In addition to this, we have a variety of fellowship events and activities for the Ladies. Whatever particular event or study, we always want our times to be Word driven and applicable to life.

We believe the teenage years are crucial. We want our students to be grounded in the faith. While the adults are in the Equipping Hour on Sunday morning, our students are also engaged in their own study of the Word. We offer a healthy diet of teaching that addresses the key features of the faith in a practical way that is appropriate and accessible for teens.We also plan fellowships and service opportunities for our students to grow in their faith and in their friendships.

Children’s ministry at Sunrise not only ministers to each child that attends, but to the family as a whole. It is our desire to come alongside parents in the teaching and discipleship of their children through teaching and various activities. We want our children to see Christ in us and to know that they are truly loved.We provide a nursery for children under 2 years, Sunday School (2 years - 5th grade) and Worship Care (infants- 3 years).